1. ULB Langues
  2. FR
  3. Apprentissages alternatifs
  4. Je suis étudiant.e
  5. étudiants

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Are the courses online or in person?

Courses take place in person on the Solbosch Campus. 

Do I have to register for the level test? 

Registration for the placement test is no longer required. You will be able to access the level test directly on the dates notified above.

Is the test compulsory to access the French courses?

Yes. The entrance test will allow our teachers to place you in groups according to your language level.

I don't have my ULB access yet, how do I register for the level test?

If you do not have a ULBid, click HERE to create one

When and where will the test take place?

Please check check this page

When do the courses start?

Please check check this page

What is the cost of the course?

Only the intermediate and advanced summer courses are charged (75€). The annual courses (all levels) are completely free.

Am I eligible for the French courses? 

The French courses offered by ULB Langues are only for ULB students. 

Mis à jour le 19 janvier 2024